About Me



Contact Me

Email: 11chelseashe@gmail.com

Phone: 312-622-5135

Explanatory Fake News Detector Publication

To combat the proliferation of misinfomation, developed a SOTA, long text, BERT fake news detector with a human-centered explanatory design from BertViz visualization. Under the mentorship of Inspirit AI Fellowship curriculum, and published on the Journal of Student Research Highschool Edition.

Headstarter Fellowship Program

Developed 5 projects: a personal landing page, pantry inventory tracker, misinformation education chatbot, AI flashcard generator, and RAG rate my professor chatbot. Deployed projects on Vercel and GitHub, posted a Youtube demo for each. Final project is a misinformation detection app called InstaVerify that can seemlessly analyze misinformation from social media platforms. Currently in development as a full-stack iOS developer.

shsConnect Communication App

Developed a school messaging app between 4000+ students and deans, in testing phase. Created the app on Swift and XCode, connected to Firebase (Realtime Database, Firestore, Functions, Storage, Authentication) and iOS Developer Account for APNs. Capabilites include text and image messaging, automated accounts, remote notifications, and grade-wide announcements.

Cuttoff Website

Curious to dive deeper into interactive Javascript websites, joined a community of womxn in STEAM at the KodeWithKlossy Scholar Program. Collaborated with three passionate girls to create a fast fashion awareness website and provide alternate solutions to purchasing unsustainable clothing.

Other Achievements